Rejoice always.
Schedule and Directions
Breakfast 8:00am–8:50am
(7:30am for volunteers) -
Worship Service 9:00am
(2yr–5th grade dismissed from service) - Bible Fellowship 10:30am
GraceLife Church of Pineville
705 Lakeview Dr, Pineville, NC 28134
Sundays at GraceLife

Breakfast Fellowship
We serve free breakfast each Sunday—not just because we love chicken and waffles, but also to meet the need of the community in a context of service and fellowship that leads to communal worship. Our breakfast service is based on our pastor’s vision and philosophy of the shared meal: “There is nothing more equalizing than our shared need for food and drink. Regardless of status or station, we pull up to the table as equals. Though meals might differ greatly—some lavish, some scant—why we eat is the same: to live. Thus, a shared meal, and especially when it is given without cost, is a sharing of life and a sharing that identifies that you have the same ongoing needs that I do. A common meal was a hallmark of the early church—and its regularity gave rise to genuine fellowship, marked by gladness, humility, and favor within the community. Jesus, in his time on earth, described himself in terms of sustenance, saying, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.’ We offer free food services to our community as a reminder of the equality in the shared meal, our equality before our Creator, and our dependence upon him for everything needed for physical and spiritual nourishment.”
Worship Service
Our worship is founded in the Word and it guides our service, which includes elements of prayer, reading, giving, music, singing, communion, and preaching. Services last about 75 minutes (our children are in the service for the first 20–30 minutes before being dismissed to children’s stations). You’ll probably want to grab a notebook from the back for the sermon. Dress how you see fit (you’ll see everything from shorts and sneakers to denim and boots to sports coat and tie).

Bible Fellowship
The purpose of Bible Fellowship is to encourage and equip fellow believers in their appreciation of God’s goodness and the application of God’s word. Founded on Philemon 6, fellowships are a chance to ask questions, raise challenges, and consider applications in community. Each fellowship meets at 10:30 following the worship service and is led by a facilitator that guides discussion on the sermon that was just delivered. Our youth follow the same model, and while they have their own fellowship, they will occasionally participate in adult fellowships on what we call “Communion Sundays.”
The People of GraceLife

Commitment to Scripture
The people of GraceLife are expected to eagerly receive and regularly engage the word of God. Our preaching and teaching emphasizes personal engagement of the Bible so that we might become saints equipped for the work of ministry, members of a church that is marked by growth—disciples and their spiritual fruit multiplying for the Kingdom.