Sermons + 'Scripts

2025: Reasons to Celebrate
On the first service of 2025 we celebrate the past, present, and future as we consider what 2025 means for GraceLife and its members.

Resurrection Life—What Is It Like?: The Future Effect Upon the Present
The guarantee of the Holy Spirit not only gives us hope for the life to come—He brings purpose, perspective, and action for the present in light of His promise of resurrection.

Resurrection Life—What Is It Like?: A Body Like Jesus
The wonder of both Christmas and Easter unite as we consider how the Word becoming flesh informs our future state and present hope.

Resurrection Life—What Is It Like?: Continuity & Discontinuity
Resurrection life bears both continuity and discontinuity with our current life—both similarity and dissimilarity. Without continuity, the promise of renewal would be meaningless; and without discontinuity, there would be no real rescue.

When Is Resurrection? (Resurrection Is Future)
Having established that resurrection is physical, the second fundamental teaching regarding the nature of resurrection is this: resurrection is future. Only one person has ever resurrected from the dead: Jesus. His resurrection is the promise for our future.

What Is Resurrection? (Resurrection Is Physical)
Considering not even the disciples were sure at first what Jesus meant by resurrection from the dead, we take time to unpack the fundamental nature of this fundamental doctrine: Resurrection is a bodily event.

The Empty Tomb: Does It Necessitate Resurrection?
We consider the empty tomb in light of two strong indicators of resurrection: pre-crucifixion prophecies and post-death appearances. In doing so, we also consider why the disciples didn’t immediately conclude that a resurrection had taken place.

Empty Tomb Alternatives: Wrong Turns, Wily Thieves, and Wild Trips
Part detective, part defense attorney, we tackle remaining theories that challenge the resurrection of Jesus, including the stolen body, wrong tomb, and hallucination theories.