GraceLife Church of Pineville

Grace alone. Faith alone. Christ alone.


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Sermons + 'Scripts

When Is Resurrection? (Resurrection Is Future)

Having established that resurrection is physical, the second fundamental teaching regarding the nature of resurrection is this: resurrection is future. Only one person has ever resurrected from the dead: Jesus. His resurrection is the promise for our future.

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The Empty Tomb: Does It Necessitate Resurrection?

We consider the empty tomb in light of two strong indicators of resurrection: pre-crucifixion prophecies and post-death appearances. In doing so, we also consider why the disciples didn’t immediately conclude that a resurrection had taken place.

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Empty Tomb Alternatives: What If Jesus Didn’t Die?

Some discount the resurrection by attacking the core necessities, challenging that there was no resurrection … because there was no death. We answer the challenge with Scriptural, historical, and even medical evidence that leads to compelling conclusions about the body of Christ.

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